Jack Gordon




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Jack Gordon asks Fair Commission to retain
Plaza of the States after the Fair Ends


Jack Gordon, 1962 Jack Gordon,
Plaza Coordinator


Presentation by John F. Gordon,
Coordinator of the Plaza of the States,
to the Seattle World's Fair Commission, July 6, 1962.

As most of you know, at the invitation of Governor Rosellini, it was my prlvilege to create the project, Plaza of the States, and the State Honor Day Programs tieing in the Seattle World's Fair with the fifty (50) other states. I did so with two objectives in mind: First, to create an area and a program which would reflect credit on the Ccmmission and the Fair, as well as provide the functional facilities desired for the program; and Secondly, I projected our thinking beyond tha Fair with this in mind: Our State and City need an area where we can adequately receive dlstinguished visitors -- where heroes and celebrities can be welcomed as New York does at its famed City Hall -- as Philadelphia does at Independence Hall -- as city after city across the nation does in town squares.

I can tell you now that Greater Seattle, Incorporated, and other civic organizations are vitally interested in having available such a facility inasmuch as with the completion of the Monorail Station at the Westlake Mall and the increase of business activity at University Plaza, a downtown site for such public affairs is not available.

With the completion of the fifty (50) state day programs, the Plaza of the States area will have its roots deep in the history of forty-nine (49) sister states . . . with the addition of the American State Papers . . . the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence . . . you have created an area which is of historical significance to every American . . . Therefore, I ask today the Commission to endorse a recommendation that the Plaza of the States be retained intact after the Fair's closure on October 21, 1962, as a permanent ceremonial area part of the civic center and that this endorsement be forwarded to the Post-Fair Planning Committee. I urge your serious consideration and affirmative action on this proposition. Thank you.




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a salute to John F "Jack" Gordon, Mr. Seattle